Zeydoo API
Alan K. avatar
Written by Alan K.
Updated over a week ago

To get statistics of your account, as well as overall statistics on the offers you can use a special tool called API. It helps to extract data remotely based on the API endpoints.

You can find the documentation here: https://api.zeydoo.com/api/cpa/docs

! In order to start working with the Zeydoo API you should contact our support team or your personal manager and provide us with the details on how you plan to work with this tool.

Once API is enabled for your account you may go to the Profile Settings tab to generate your personal secure API key which will be used for authorization.

Click on the Cerate token button, get the authorization token and copy it then go to the Swagger (https://api.zeydoo.com/api/cpa/docs/) and click on the Authorize button:

Insert the copied token into the Value field and click on the Authorize:

Now you can work with the Zeydoo API.

GET requests

Here are endpoints (requests) you may make via Zeydoo API:

If you have any questions or need any assistance feel free to contact us in the live chat or via support@zeydoo.com

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